You Are What You Eat: Gluten Free Diet Recipes

If an individual has a food allergy it is important that those foods be avoided. This is because an allergic reaction may not only trigger other negative physical conditions within the body, but maybe life-threatening. For example, if an individual is allergic to eating peanuts and eats peanut butter cookies they may have an allergic reaction to the peanuts found in the peanut butter that is used to make the peanut butter cookie.

Another prime example of ingredient that is a common allergen in some people is gluten. Often gluten is used in a variety of cereal products and is used as a protein additive. Therefore, it is important to know what gluten is, what products the gluten may be found in and how to ensure that the gluten allergic individual has a variety of gluten free diet recipes that they can eat.

What Is Gluten?

Gluten is a protein which is comprised from two particular ingredients. Those two protein ingredients are gliadin and glutenin. These two proteins are held together through the use of starch and formulate the protein product known as gluten.

Often, the gluten is mixed with other grains that are from the grass family. Examples of those types of grains can include wheat, barley and rye.

The value of adding gluten to these types of products is that it is an additional source of nutritional protein. This is significant as generally the gluten is added to products that aren't generally high in protein. This process helps add protein and aids in the overall nutritional process.

Products Containing Gluten

There are many products on the market today that have gluten added as part of the ingredients to the product. Additionally, most of those products on the market today that contain gluten are products that are manufactured from grains such as wheat, barley and rye.

For example many bagels contain gluten. This is an important ingredient because gluten creates the chewyness that most bagels provide to the consumer. In addition, many other types of bread contain gluten.

Also, some beers that are brewed contain gluten. This is because beer can be brewed using barley which is one of the grains that the beer may contain.

A Variety Of Gluten Free Diet Recipes

However, it is important to note that some individuals may not tolerate gluten. This is because they may have an allergy or intolerance to this substance. In addition, some recent studies have indicated that there may be a link to other maladies when an individual is allergic to gluten. Some of those maladies could include celiac disease, constipation, bloating, bone or joint pain, itchy skin, lesions, etc.

Therefore, it is important to investigate gluten free diet recipes for those individuals who may have an allergy to gluten. These gluten free diet recipes can be found by using the Internet or by obtaining literature from one's doctor who may provide a variety of gluten free diet recipes.

In addition, an individual may talk to their nutritionist. Often a dietician can provide a variety of gluten free diet recipes or help the individual prepare a gluten free diet menu.

One other important fact to remember when looking to prepare gluten free diet recipes is that the ingredients themselves used to prepare the recipe must be free of this ingredient.


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