Dangers Of Binge Eating Are Serious

When someone hears the term bingeing they often just associate it with individuals who consume excess food while eating. While many might consider weight gain as being the primary concern here there are many dangers of binge eating that can manifest over time if the proper treatment is not rendered.

When considering the other problems that can arise from this condition it can be broken down into two categories of complications: those that are emotional and those that are physical. Each group has their own sense of urgency depending on the level of severity and if they are combined with other symptoms.

The emotional side of this condition can manifest itself as any number of symptoms. The person may feel a sense of worthlessness, depression, lonely, or feel as if they are an outcast from friends and family, or even society, in general. Their depression can even progress so deeply as to become thoughts of suicide.

Regardless of which of these signs are exemplified, it has the potential of limiting their abilities in performance, self-esteem or even something as simple as happiness. The condition does not allow the individual to achieve any great lengths of these feelings and holds the individual at bay, trapping them in their own feeling of worthlessness.

Taking a look at complications from a physical aspect shows the tremendous ramifications that can be created. The health complications that can form reads like a laundry list of ailments, each one a serious factor by themselves, but when combined with others can turn into a deadly combination. Some of the health concerns that can be created are heart disease, high cholesterol, hypertension, problems with major organs such as kidneys, liver and gallbladder, digestive complications, diabetes and even cancer.

But there are also other complications that can begin as a result of the excess weight that these individuals often carry because of their affliction. Joint pain and arthritis are very common as the joints are taxed beyond their limits from both the weight and lack of mobility and exercise. Even the respiratory system can suffer, which, in itself, can affect mood and behavior.

The dangers of binge eating are not only visibly obvious, but they can also be present in both a physical and emotional states, as well. That's why it is important that friends and family notice subtle changes in behavior and eating patterns. Being able to spot the potential problem early can prevent severe consequences from occurring down the road, which can lead to much more serious concerns.


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