First Date On Valentines-Start Of A Special Relationship

How romantic to be asked out on a first date on Valentines Day. To me, and to practically every other woman on the planet, being asked out on the most very special of days reserved for love would say to me that you already have special feelings for me.

It would feel almost just like a fairy tale or a dream come true.

Since this is a first date on Valentines Day, you most likely want it to be as perfect as it can be. So, with that in mind, how would you go about giving this girl one of the best nights of her life?

If you have been pining after her for some time, you could plan a dinner at a fancy restaurant with wine or champagne and candlelight followed by dancing the night away to her favorite band.

Maybe you could rent a limo to pick her up in so all your attention could be focused on her instead of the road. Meet her at her front door with a single long-stemmed red rose and a small gift to get the night off to a good start.

Remember, nights like these do not just happen, you will have to do quite a bit of planning to make sure everything goes off without a hitch. Ask her to accompany you well in advance of the holiday and tell her it is because to get a good table to need to make reservations at least two weeks to a month in advance.

To make things more of surprise for her, do not tell her exactly where you are going but do tell her she should dress up. She will undoubtedly use this opportunity to go shopping so she can look her best for you. You should do the same and look the part of the perfect gentleman when the night comes and you show up to escort her to dinner.

If this is something new for you, ask someone to help you look your best. Your mother is a good one to ask about such things, or you can go to a men's clothing store and ask for help. A nice suit and tie will do nicely.

Get your hair cut a couple of days beforehand and buy some new, subtle, cologne or aftershave. You do not want to knock her out of the limo with an overpowering scent.

Women love romance so brush up on the right things to say. If she looks gorgeous, tell her. She no doubt took a lot of time to look her best and she will appreciate the fact that you actually notice.

Practice some different lines of conversation for when you are at dinner on your first date on Valentines Day. Do not just talk about yourself. Make the conversation about her and her likes and dislikes and make sure you are listening. She will eventually bring the conversation around to being about you, as well, just do not monopolize the conversation with how wonderful you think YOU are.


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