How To Age Gracefully

No matter what we do to slow it down, the calendar is always moving forward. Through the ages, people have fought aging with various concoctions, only to have eternal youth escape them. Then you have the people who try too hard to look younger and only end up looking foolish in the process. Perhaps neither of those accurately describes you, but either way, all you want to know is how to age gracefully.

'Gracefully' is a good word to use. It implies that you will do what you can to look your best, no matter what age you are. That's a lot better than overdoing it and looking ridiculous because of it. With that in mind, here are some tips for how to age gracefully.

1. Treat your skin well. Your skin is what people notice right away, and is the biggest indicator of your perceived age to most people. Perhaps you haven't taken the best care of your skin over the years, but it's never too late to start. There are several things you can do to slow down the aging process of the skin, and even reverse it to some extent. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated from the inside, and use moisturizers (those with humectants are best) to hydrate from the outside. It's okay to get some sun, but use a sunblock and avoid overexposure. Oh, and if you smoke, then it's time to quit.

2. Avoid plastic surgery. Have you ever seen celebrities who have had too much "work" done on their faces? It doesn't look natural, and in a lot of cases they end up looking worse than they did before. (There are even websites devoted to the topic of bad plastic surgeries). Even a little Botox or a bit of a face lift can make you look strange. The problem is that you could be convinced a cosmetic procedure has made you look younger, but in reality everybody is talking behind your back.

3. Smile. Having a good attitude is a big part of how to age gracefully. We all know younger people who act "old", and we know older people that act "young". If you pay attention, you will notice that it almost always comes down to the person's attitude. The phrase "cranky old man" can apply to anyone of any age–male or female–but it doesn't have to apply to you. Learn to love life for what it is, take pleasure in the simple things, and cut people some slack; after all, we're all human.

4. Stay healthy. Some elements of your health will always be beyond your control, but most of it is up to you. People are staying healthier longer, and so can you. Take your health seriously, eat right and exercise. Those few things are also a key to how to age gracefully.


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