Hair Trends – Just Look To The Runway

When looking for any type of trends in regards to fashion, most people look to the newest things on the fashion runways. This year is no different. If you want to know what new hair trends are out there, just look to the runway.

There are a few top hair trends for women that came out of the fall fashion shows. In this article I will list a few of them.

I will concentrate on those that "real" women would be more likely to wear as opposed to those over the top styles that few people can pull off and fewer yet would want to try.

So, here we go:

1. One very popular trend today is actually pretty old fashioned: pony tails.

It would be tough to look through any type of celebrity magazine and not see at least a few stars boasting one of these pony tails.

Today, though, it isn't just the out of the back of the head type pony tail that is popular, it is more of an anything goes pony tail style that seems to be all the rage.

Many women are wearing their pony tails on the side and lower than we may think of as more "traditional" pony tails of the past.

It's not the cheerleader, perfectly centered in the back of the head, no hair out of place pony tail – It is far softer and lower than it used to be.

2. Another old fashioned look that has made a huge comeback this year are braids.

This look is also about a more relaxed and casual feel to the hair. It isn't about making sure that every hair is confined but rather allowing a little hair to flow softly.

This provides a beautiful feminine look to the whole hairstyle.

3. Long, soft waves is yet one more popular look this season. I think you may be able to sense a trend this year.

Many of the styles are not only old fashioned, they are softer variations too.

Today, it is about a softer, feminine more romantic look rather then the every hair in place, ultra smooth and sleek look.

For many women, this added casualness just makes it an easier style to simulate at home on their own.

When the style calls for less structure the few loose hairs here and there become part of the overall look.

4. And one last style we will talk about for this year: the deep side part.

This look can be very dramatic and is the perfect look for woman who have really straight hair.

To make sure the hair stays in place you can either put it in a pony tail or add a beautiful pin to hold it in place.

Make sure that you go for the drama by allowing the hair to actually fall over your eye, or at least a little over one of your brows.

There you have it, some of this years top hair trends for women. Most of them are easy and something a "normal" woman could, and would, want to wear.


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Quick Solution For Anxiety Attacks

Anti anxiety medications might offer one quick solution to your anxiety problems. These types of drugs include traditional anti-anxiety drugs (benzodiazepines), as well as newer options like antidepressants and beta-blockers. They can help reduce your anxiety while you undergo therapy to get to the cause of the problem. However, it's important that you understand that these types of drugs don't cure anxiety and they do come with side effects. Long-term reliance on these medications is not recommended.

Benzodiazepines can reduce anxiety quickly–usually within an hour–so they are a good option if you are having a panic or anxiety attack. Alprazolam (brand name Xanax), clonazepam (brand name Klonopin), diazepam (brand name Valium), and lorazepam (brand name Ativan) are in this category of anti anxiety drugs. Side effects of benzodiazepines include sleepiness, "fogginess", and/or a feeling of being uncoordinated, all of which can cause problems if you need to be functional and alert. Benzodiazepines take a long time to get metabolized. For this reason, they can build up in your body if used for a long time. It you suffer from this build up, the side effects worsen and you may develop slurred speech, confusion, depression, dizziness, inability to think clearly and reason, memory loss and nausea, the inability to "feel" anything. Benzodiazepines decrease your anxiety but they also decrease feelings of pleasure and pain.

The advantage of antidepressants versus traditional anti anxiety medications is that the risk for dependency and abuse is less. However, the downside of antidepressants is that they can take from 4 to 6 weeks to give you relief from your anxiety–so, they are of no use to you if you are having a panic attack, for example.

Most commonly prescribed antidepressants are SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) like Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Lexapro, and Celexa and they are not without side effects: nausea, nervoursness, headaches, sleepiness, sexual dysfunction, dizziness, nausea, and weight gain.

Buspirone (brand name BuSpar) works only for generalized anxiety disorders (GAD). It relieves anxiety by increasing serotonin in the brain (like SSRIs) and decreasing dopamine. Buspirone takes about two weeks to kick into effect but it has its advantages: it's not as sedating, doesn't negatively affect memory and coordination and it's minimally addictive. It also has less serious side effects: nasuea, headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, constipation, diarrhea and dry mouth.

Beta blockers are generally used to treat high blood pressure and heart problems. But they can work for anxiety too by blocking the effects of norepinephrine, a stress hormone involved in the fight-or-flight response. Beta blockers ontrol the physical symptoms of anxiety like rapid heart rate, sweating, dizziness, and trembling voice and hands but not the emotional side of anxiety.

The above information about anti anxiety medications does not substitute medical advice given by a health professional.


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What Is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is a form of psychological disorder that is a response to a traumatic event. In many cases the event that causes post traumatic stress disorder is something severe and threatening to the person's sense of identity if not to their life.

The stressful event may be something easily identifiable such as being raped (a major cause of PTSD in both men and women), being involved in a major accident or natural disaster, war combat, etc. For example, soldiers returning from the First World War suffered from something described at the time as 'shell shock' which has now been identified as post traumatic stress disorder.

Alternatively, the stressful event could be much less obvious and in some cases, the memory of it may be buried. An example would be abuse in childhood that manifests as PTSD in an adult.

Symptoms of PTSD can include:

– constant thoughts and memories of the incident(s), including flashbacks
– nightmares
– feeling stressed and upset by any reminder of the incident, such as news of similar incidents
– avoiding any reminder of the incident e.g. not wanting to talk about it, or avoiding places, people or activities that are associated with it
– losing interest in things and people that were previously important in one's life
– depression
– insomnia
– irritability and mood swings
– difficulty concentrating
– feeling constantly 'on guard' and afraid

Some symptoms are natural responses to stress and would not be classed as a stress disorder if they were temporary, ending when the danger or stressful situation was over. PTSD will only be diagnosed if they are prolonged after the traumatic event is over and the person is safe.

Equally, it is not necessary to have all of these symptoms in order for PTSD to be diagnosed. A few of the symptoms combined with identification of a traumatic event is usually enough for a diagnosis.

It is very important that anybody suffering from PTSD should receive treatment. Unless a person has very strong supportive relationships with a spouse or partner and other family and friends, it is very difficult to live with the symptoms of untreated post traumatic stress disorder without resorting to drug or alcohol abuse, self-harm, eating disorders or other unhealthy practices.

Post traumatic stress disorder is so named because it is a response to an intensely stressful event or series of events. However, it is classified and treated as an anxiety disorder rather than being treated like other forms of stress. Some stress management techniques may be helpful but in most cases PTSD requires diagnosis by and help from a doctor or trained counselor.

Sufferers of PTSD often need reassurance that their post traumatic stress disorder is not their fault. They should not feel stigmatized by it. It is a natural, protective response of the human system to being put in an extremely threatening situation.

Anybody going through the same thing could have a similar response, although it may be more severe in some people than in others because of their state of mind at the time of the incident, the strength of their supportive relationships, and their past history of traumatic incidents. So people suffering from post traumatic stress disorder should not be ashamed to seek help.


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Skin And Thyroid – Hormones Released Make You Healthier

When people think about getting healthier skin they do not often think of their thyroid gland. Most people do not realize the connection their thyroid has with their skin and as such will often neglect it. Your thyroid is in charge of a lot of things, most people know it for controlling your metabolism. What most people do not know is that your Skin and Thyroid are linked.

The hormones released by the thyroid gland does more than just regulate your metabolism, they also work to make your skin healthier. A lot of people suffering from hypothyroidism will notice that their skin suffers as well. They will feel dry and coarse and in colder temperatures they will seem itchy and may even notice cracks in their hands and fingers.

These problems are caused because your thyroid gland is not getting enough iodine. Iodine is a chemical that can be found in a variety of sources, such as the soil (and thus plants) and seawater (thus seafood). However in today's society a lot of natural iodine is stripped from our food, which causes people to get less than they need and leads to hypothyroidism.

If you are concerned about your Skin and Thyroid then you should look into figuring out if hypothyroidism is the cause. There are many symptoms associated with hypothyroidism ranging from fatigue, constipation, weight gain, depression, and anxiety. Your skin looking worse is also a symptom.

If you notice that not only your skin is suffering but you also possess some of the other symptoms, than you may have found the cause. It is important you go and see your doctor to confirm whether or not hypothyroidism is to blame. A simple blood test is all it takes to determine that.

If hypothyroidism is the cause all you will have to worry about is making sure yo get enough iodine. Your doctor will likely prescribe some medication for you to take and may even advise you adjust your diet. That should be all it takes to get your thyroid in working order again.

Once you get your thyroid back under control you can expect to see stark improvement in the way your skin looks and feels. It should become smoother and more natural looking as it starts to receive the hormones it was sorely lacking.

While your thyroid may be to blame for your skin problems, it is not the only thing out there that can rob you of your beauty. There is a variety of other conditions and reasons for why your skin has the problems it does, and so if getting your thyroid back in top shape does not improve your skin, there may be other factors involved.

If that is the case you should look into other ways to get your skin looking it's best and try to find the cause behind it. Your Skin and Thyroid are both important and critically linked, so even if your skin does not clear up at least you found out your thyroid was out of whack and fixed it.


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Solutions For Health Problems – Keep Illness Away

People all across the planet suffer from a wide variety of health problems. These health problems can be anything, from something as minor as a simple allergy to something as serious as full blown cancer. So what are you suppose to do about these sicknesses? The best Solutions for Health Problems you can find are simply to avoid getting these problems all together.

Now obviously, a lot of problems are out of your control, some things just happen. But for a lot of them you can take preventive measures. As the saying goes, the best defense is a good offense. Instead of waiting for something to happen and trying to cure it, take the steps needed to avoid getting it all together.

1: Maintain a proper diet. One of the main reasons people suffer so many problems is because they do not keep their body in top form. The human body is a remarkable thing and is quite the power house when it comes to it's own well being. Your body is capable of fending off almost every type of illness or health problem, as long as you give it plenty of fuel.

Your body, like anything else, requires fuel to run. That fuel comes in the form of food. If you are not eating the right kinds of foods, your body has to not only fight off potential illnesses, but it has to do so while underpowered.

2: Stay active. Another great Solutions for Health Problems is to simply stay active. The human body does not do so well when forced into a sedentary life style. It was made to run and be active, that is why your metabolism and other bodily functions increase whenever you are active. You burn off excess fat, produce beneficial chemicals, and generally just give your body what it needs.

3: Avoid stress. It has been clinically proven that stress can cause all sorts of problems for people. When stressed, your body works in odd ways and will produce certain chemicals. Some of these chemicals are just downright harmful, while others are harmful because there's too many of them. So try to avoid stress whenever possible.

4: Avoid smoking or drinking. If you really want to avoid health problems, then avoid taking harmful things into your body. We all know by now that smoking is not good for you, but even so millions of people still do it. The same can be said for drinking as well. While not as dangerous, drinking too much will still cause you problems. If you keep it in moderation it will not be a big issue.

5: Get routine checkups. Even if you try your best, things can still go wrong. Visit your doctor routinely for a checkup. Many diseases can be cured if caught early enough, so you want to catch these problems before they get out of hand.

There are many, many more Solutions for Health Problems out there than just these. But these tips offer a place to start, from there you can go further and make sure you live a long, healthy life.


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Do Animals Get Warts?

Not only are various animals capable of getting warts, the often do. In some types of animals, warts can be deadly. One of the main examples of how warts can affect a non-human species is that of the turtle. In recent years, studies have been conducted to research the causes and effects of warts on certain types of turtles.

The findings are startling. A virus called fibropapillomatosis is the contributing factor. Unlike the warts found in humans, which are generally located in the epidermis, the warts which affect these turtles spread throughout their bodies. The warts are then capable of obstructing the turtle's internal organs. This then can cause the turtle to die, either from starvation from being unable to see or swim properly, or from other bacterial infections. There has been a steady decrease in the population of sea turtles; the warts which affect their bodies is the primary reason for this.

In dogs, the virus which causes warts is the canine viral papillomas. Unless a dog's warts become infected, the general rule is to leave the warts undisturbed, as they usually disappear with time. A dog's warts are rarely a problem unless they are located about the mouth or other area which is sensitive and prone to bacteria and moisture. In some instances, a dog will require antibiotics. In dogs, warts usually appear in clusters, rather than as individual warts.

Dogs acquire warts in the manner similar to how humans get warts they contract them from other dogs who already have them. Canine warts can only be be spread amongst dogs. They pose no risk to other types of animals, nor can people contract warts from their dogs.

Warts are less common in cats, but they do sometimes occur. Older cats are the most prone to contracting warts. Removal is not generally indicated unless the wart becomes infected. There is more danger in the wart becoming infected through the cat's scratching or other activity than by the wart's state itself. These warts also are not transmittable to humans.

Cows can contract warts. In cattle, the term for warts is infectious papillomatosis, which refers to the papillomatomavirus which causes them. In cows, warts are not usually serious and eventually disappear, but they are highly contagious. When cows have warts, isolating them from other cattle is important. It has not yet been determined whether either this virus being present in a cow or the antibiotics given to clear it up have an effect on the safety of its milk.

Warts are the easiest way of determining whether a specific amphibian is a frog or a toad. Although there is quite a large variety of these creatures, by first appearance they have much in common. This amphibian has legs, but no tail; but the way to know for certain which type it is is whether or not it has warts. All types of toads have warts; no type of frog has them. Contrary to folk stories, the "warts" which are on toads are not related to the virus which causes warts in humans.


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What Happens After Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy can be a long, hard road. It takes willpower and endurance to keep at it. The mere act of keeping appointments can be grueling at times. One may feel like celebrating when it is all over; but what comes after physiotherapy?

The physiotherapist will leave you with words of advice to follow after your physiology is over. One important thing to keep in mind is that any exercises you are doing should be remembered for relapses.

For example, if you have a problem with a vertebra in your neck, physical therapy can often help. After physiotherapy, though, the neck might start getting stiff and painful again. Remembering and doing the physical therapy exercises may stop the condition from getting any worse, and may in fact alleviate it completely.

You will also be instructed on the proper use of heat packs and ice packs. It will be a refresher course for you, but you will be on your own, so you need to pay attention. You will be told to go to the doctor at the first sign of relapse after physiotherapy.

Prevention will be an important concern after physiotherapy. The last thing you need is to have to go through the process again. You can take certain steps to avoid physical injuries that would require you to go back.

Aerobic exercise is very beneficial both during and after physiotherapy. It strengthens the muscles, increases oxygen to the muscles, and helps you lose weight. Aerobic exercises you can do include walking, running, swimming, or bicycling. Any exercise that gets you breathing heavily and your heart rate up will do.

In injuries like low back pain, weight loss can be a factor. It can mean less stress on your bones and muscles. Therefore, diet can play an important role in prevention after physiotherapy. It does not have to be an elaborate diet; just a simple diet that limits foods, especially the carbohydrates and fats.

Other preventative features of life after physiotherapy involve the workplace. One needs to learn the proper movements to get the job done. If it seems that it is impossible, it is a legal right to call for an ergonomics study. Another thing to consider is to make sure you use all the ergonomic equipment that is already available in your office or workplace. There may be ergonomic keyboards in a storage room, if you would only ask.

One also needs to learn one's limitations. No more trying to lift a two-hundred pound object by yourself. After physiotherapy one knows what can happen when one does not take care of one's body properly. It only makes sense to stay away from anything that can harm you in the way you were hurt before.

Life after physiotherapy may be a more cautious affair than is was before. One may have to think before acting. No matter what one does, it is possible that a return to physiotherapy will take place. The best thing to do is to do your best to make all the right moves after physiotherapy.


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Injection For Tanning – Newest Beauty Fads

One of the newest "beauty" fads that seems to be popping up is the use of injection for tanning. Supposedly, these injections will help promote a rich dark tan without exposure to the sun.

In some cases, since you don't need to go out in the sun (again, supposedly) they are being billed as a safer alternative to tanning or tanning beds. But are they really safe? Is this really a viable alternative to those of us who like the way we look with a nice glowing tan?

According to the research I did when writing this article I would say no. At the very minimum, there is not enough long term data to definitively say that an injection for tanning is safe.

Whenever you are dealing with chemicals, especially those that are being introduced directly into the body by the bloodstream, it can take a long time for potential side effects to show up.

The longer the use, and the more people using it, the sooner any possible negative side effects will show up. But in the beginning, it may seem like these products are safe when it fact they are not.

As far as I could tell, there is not one governing body, like the FDA for example, in any country that has said that these types of injections are ok and safe.

The research I did interviewed many dermatologists and doctors and everyone of them advised not to use this type of tanning method. To a doctor they stated that it was just too early to know whether or not this would be safe for the long term.

Another thing to take into consideration is since these products are sold exclusively online you don't know what you are getting. Another real concern these doctors had was just what was in this injection?

With no oversight, the manufacturers could be putting pretty much anything in the injection that they wanted.

This was one of the biggest reasons that all the doctors I saw were against using this product. Just like many illegal drugs are laced with potentially toxic, deadly chemicals, these injections could be too.

The actual injection can vary significantly from one site to another and no one knows what is in the vial of liquid that you will be introducing directly into your bloodstream. I don't know about you, but I'd rather be pale than to shoot some unknown substance into my bloodstream!

The other more conventional tanning methods like sun bathing, tanning booths and even spray on tans are certainly not without risks, but at least we know what those risks are and we aren't adding chemicals directly into our bodies.

If I were you, I'd stick with the comparatively safe alternatives listed above rather than using pills or injection to get a tan. Better the risk you know about than those you can't see coming.

Injection for tanning at this stage of the game is a very bad idea in my opinion. We all want to look good and I like the way I look with a tan as much as anyone, but it sure isn't worth dying over.


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Long Term Anxiety Characterized as Generalized Anxiety

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is characterized by long-term anxiety, excessive worry, and tension, even though there appears to be no reason to feel this way. This disorder affects about 6.8 million American adults (and twice as many women as men). The disorder usually develops gradually. It can start at any age but the highest-risk years are between childhood and middle age, a rather large time span. Evidence shows that genes play a modest role in GAD.
Those who suffer from GAD will go through the day feeling worried and aprehensive. They often anticipate disaster in even minor situations and are usually overly concerned about various issues such as health, money, family problems, or difficulties at work. It may even be hard getting started in the morning because of the thought of what lies ahead of them for the day.

If you find you have been over-worrying about many every-day problems for at least 6 months, you may be diagnosed with GAD. Although you may realize that your concerns are exaggerated, the problem still persists. Not being able to relaxe, startling easily, having difficulty concentrating are all symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. Other problems include having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Physical symptoms that often accompany the anxiety include fatigue, headaches, muscle tension, muscle aches, difficulty swallowing, trembling, twitching, irritability, sweating, nausea, lightheadedness, having to go to the bathroom frequently, feeling out of breath, and hot flashes.

The level of severity of your GAD can vary greatly. If you are diagnozed with a mild case, you can function socially for the most part and hold down a job with little difficulty. If your GAD is severe, you can find it difficult even to complete what may seem like the simplest activities.

GAD is usually treated with medications and/or psychotherapy. You may benefit most from a combination of the two. It may take some trial and error to discover exactly what treatments work best for you.

Medications include antidepressants like fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), escitalopram (Lexapro), sertaline (Zoloft), venlafaxine (Effexor) and imipramine (Tofranil); Buspirone (BuSpar); and Benzodiazepines like clonazepam (Klonopin), lorazepam (Ativan), diazepam (Valium), chlordiazepoxide (Librium) and alprazolam (Xanax). Benzodiazepines are for the most part only used for relieving acute anxiety on a short-term basis (for example, when you are having an attack). However, they have a tendency to be addictive and some pretty serious side effects like drowsiness, reduced muscle coordination and impaired balance and memory.

Psychotherapy, often referred to as talk therapy and psychological counseling, deals with trying to work out the underlying life stresses and concerns that may cause your GAD. Once these have been identified, it is possible to and make behavior changes that can reduce your anxiety. One of the most recognized types of psychotherapy is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Basically, short-term cognitive behavioral therapy aims to teach you specific skills that you can then use to identify negative thoughts and behaviors and substitute them with positive ones.

The above information about generalized anxiety disorder does not substitute medical advice given by a health professional.


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Facial Exercises For A Firm Neck And Throat

Looking your best takes a lot of work, but it sometimes seems as though you just can't win the battle against aging. No matter how good you are to your skin, wrinkles and sagging start to appear. The neck and throat tend to be a major problem, but that doesn't have to be the case. You can do simple facial exercises for a firm neck and throat.

Understanding the cause of the problem will help you to find solutions. As you get older, your skin loses some of its elasticity, and this is the main cause of wrinkles. At the same time, you start to lose some muscle tone, which contributes to sagging. Some people go for the all-out solution and pay thousands of dollars to have plastic surgery. While surgery is always an option, it can have complications (as can any form of surgery), insurance does not typically pay for elective procedures, and there is no guarantee of how the finished result will look.

The good news is that you can do facial exercises to firm up your neck and throat, and turn back the clock a few years. You should do all of the following exercises gently, because overstraining your muscles can lead to injury, and that would only make things worse. Also, it's always a good idea to talk to your doctor about any health concerns that you have. With that in mind, here are a few facial exercises for a firm neck and throat to get you started.

Sit down on your floor with legs comfortably folded, making sure to keep your back straight. Slowly tilt your head back and hold it there for 10 to 15 seconds before returning it to the starting position. Do this 10 times. You should feel a gentle stretch along the length of your jawline.

Maintain the same seated position for this exercise. Lower your shoulders slightly, and look straight forward. Turn your head almost as far as it can go (again, don't overdo it) to the right. Hold it for 5 to 10 seconds before returning to the forward position. Do this 5 times, and then switch to the left side.

While still in this position, tilt your head towards your right shoulder and hold it there for 5 to 10 seconds, then return it to the center. Repeat this 10 times before tilting it towards your left shoulder. This is a wonderful exercise for a firm neck.

Get on your hands and knees and drop your head toward the ground, being sure that your back, neck, and elbows are straight. Breathe in slowly. While exhaling slowly, arch your back gently downward as you lift your head up. Do this 5 times.

You can do the next exercise in just about any starting position, even while sitting in your car (when stopped at a red light is a perfect time). Tilt your head back, and while it is still tilted, open your mouth wide, and then close it. You should feel a relaxing stretch in the middle of your neck and throat.


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