Tips On How To Deal With Rosacea Breakouts

Rosacea may not be a dangerous disease but it can severely affect a person's self-confidence. The skin disease is characterized by redness in the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin regions of the face. This can be really hard to hide. In fact, some people with rosacea refuse to even go out because they are ashamed of how they look. Besides the redness, some cases also have pustules and pimples similar to acne but instead of whiteheads, you will find clear liquid. Blood vessels also become dilated and thus showing through the skin and the eyes may become watery.

Although it affects millions of people all over the world, about 46 million to be exact, nothing much has been known about rosacea in terms of its causes, spread and cure. There are many theories as to what exactly causes the break outs but nothing has been proven yet. So far, there is no evidence that it spreads from person to person contact but again, nothing is conclusive. One thing is for sure, as of now, there is no cure for rosacea. People with it will need to control the symptoms and manage the problem all throughout their lives. There are treatments though that will help people lessen the breakouts but these treatments should be done continuously. People who have stopped treatment had remissions.

The struggle against rosacea may be lifelong but with treatments to control the symptoms widely available, coping with it is not so bad. Here are some tips that might help you deal with the problem.

1. Know your triggers
Break outs are usually triggered by a host of factors. These triggers are different for each person. Some may even have more than one triggers. The trick is to determine what your triggers are so that you can minimize your break outs. This is the first line of defense for rosacea patients. Sun exposure and changing weather are the most common triggers along with spicy food and stress. Some vegetables like eggplants and spinach can also trigger breakouts. Also citrus fruits, raisins and plum. Chocolates and other dairy products are also in the list of triggers. Also cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.

2. Get treatment
One thing to remember about rosacea is it worsens with age especially when it is left untreated. It occurs later in life, from about 30 years old to about 50. It is important that you get treatment as soon as you realize that you have the problem. This will help you control your symptoms.

3. Be aware
One of the hardest thing about rosacea is recognizing its symptoms. It is a chronic skin problem, meaning that the symptoms comes and goes. They do not appear regularly or in the same extent. This is why some people do not realize that they have the problem. Some think that the redness is because of sunburn or because they get easily flushed than other people. Be aware. Your vigilance will help you deal with the problem early on.


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