Statistics of People Currently Under Physiotherapy Treatment

Over the past few decades, the statistics of people currently under physiotherapy treatment has reached a staggering number. Not only in the United States are millions of people undergoing some form of physical therapy treatment, but also in other countries as well. Physiotherapy is one of the largest growing professions in the medical field as more and more individuals are finding the benefits of this type of physical therapy.

Physiotherapy treats a variety of injuries, ailments, illnesses, diseases and conditions and more specialized physiotherapists are emerging in the field of medicine. Statistics on people currently under physiotherapy treatment range from infants with illnesses such as Cystic Fibrosis to construction workers with back injuries. Many people are beginning to realize the benefits of physiotherapy and the statistics of people currently under physiotherapy treatment is going up every year. Physiotherapy has become a healthier approach to the traditional treatment of using pain killers to alleviate pain that is often experienced when someone has a chronic illness or is injured. Not only is physiotherapy more effective in treating people with chronic pain, but the benefits of not becoming addicted to painkillers far outweigh trips to a physiotherapy center.

Physiotherapists can help people with arthritis regain the use of their hands by easing the swelling in their joints thought therapy, massage and movement exercises that help them improve their quality of life. Many people with arthritis are seeking physiotherapy as an alternate, or in addition to, pain medication. The results people with arthritis are achieving in improving their condition through the use of physiotherapy is astounding.

One of the most debilitating conditions a person can suffer is a stroke. A stroke can impair movement, affect speech and leave a person immobile. The psychological effects of a stroke are almost as bad, if not worse, than the actual stroke. A person becomes frustrated when he or she is no longer to get their body to do the things it once so easily did. Physiotherapists are instrumental in helping people who have had a stroke regain their speech, mobility and lifestyle. Through exercise, manipulation and patient care, many people who have suffered this dreadful condition are able to regain their speech and movement and once again, lead useful, happy and productive lives.

Years ago, the medical community scoffed at the idea of physiotherapy. It was considered "quack" medicine and not very well respected. In recent years, the medical community has come to realize the tremendous benefits physiotherapy has on individuals suffering from painful conditions, disabilities, sports injuries, and even people who suffer from diseases such as cancer. Many hospitals now release their patients into the care of a licensed physiotherapist once they are out of danger after an operation or a series of treatments so they can be fully recovered prior to returning to their everyday lives.

The statistics on people currently under physiotherapy treatment in the United States alone has more than tripled in the past five years, according to the Donaldson Clinic, a treatment facility that provides physiotherapy to patients on many different levels. The statistics have been rising each year due to the tremendous impact physiotherapy has made in improving the lives of those suffering from illness, injury or disease.


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