Physiotherapy To Treat Arthritis

There are more than 150 different kinds of arthritis and this condition affects all walks of life. Arthritis can be a very debilitating condition and can rob people of simple joys and hobbies they once enjoyed. Some people with arthritis end up confined to wheelchairs.

Many people associate arthritis with older people, but young people can also suffer from this painful condition that is characterized by the inflammation of a particular joint. In the past, the primary treatment for arthritis was pain medication. In recent years, however, physiotherapy to treat arthritis has proven to be very beneficial.

Arthritis can strike in any joint in your body. Most common are the hands and knees. Many people with arthritis today are simply told to take pain relievers as the disease can be quite painful when the joints swell up. Arthritis pain is acute and flare-ups come and go. Many people with this condition find themselves limiting their activities for fear of flare-ups. Many also tend to take too much pain medication that can cause stomach problems in later years.

Physiotherapy to treat arthritis is an effective way to find relief for this condition. In addition to physiotherapy, other treatments include electrical therapy, acupuncture, laser therapy and spa therapy. No longer are doctors simply prescribing pain medications to patients. By working with physiotherapists, doctors are enabling their patients who are suffering from this painful condition to lead more productive and pain free lives.

There are many different ways for physiotherapy to treat arthritis. One involves applications of hot or cold compresses on the affective areas. The area where the affected joint is inflamed depends on whether you want to use hot or cold compresses. A physiotherapist will know which type of compress to use on your effected joints.

Other ways for physiotherapy to treat arthritis include massage. Sometimes, the swelling in the joints gets so inflamed that it ends up nearly crippling the joints; this particularly happens in the hands. Massage can alleviate the swelling and cause the hands to become useful once again.

One concern that both doctors and therapists have in treating those with arthritis is the lack of mobility in many patients. This can be dangerous as it can lead to blood clots in the legs that can travel to the heart, causing a heart attack, or to the brain, causing a stroke. Mobility is very important and one of the main reasons for psychotherapy to treat arthritis. Therapists will encourage those with this debilitating condition to move and develop certain exercise programs to prevent such things, as blood clots, from developing within patients with arthritis.

Arthritis can be a painful, crippling disease and can cause people to lose enjoyment in the things they once loved to do. By using physiotherapy to treat arthritis, patients with this condition can learn to become more mobile, relieve stiffness and swelling in their joints and get back to doing some of the things that they enjoyed prior to being diagnosed with arthritis.


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