Green Birthmarks -Laser Removal Most Effective

The most common green birthmarks removal laser is the 532nm. There are different grades of lasers for different areas of the body which produce different effects. Lasers are widely used in various fields of medicine like surgery and emergency medicine. The use of lasers is very effective and far less invasive than traditional surgical options and also allows faster healing and less time spent away from work recuperating.

Not only does the green birthmarks removal laser remove the port wine stain birthmarks it can also help to remove unwanted tattoos, as well. different color lasers remove different colors of tattoo ink and the green laser removes red, orange, pink, yellow and other colors in the pastel color family.

Some EMTs now carry with them on their appointed rounds a green pocket laser to help with trauma situation in the field. The green laser can sterilize a wound better than the traditional methods and much better than infrared lasers. If there is an area that is bleeding heavily then they can hold their pocket laser over the area for a short time , time enough to cause burning, and actually cauterize the bleeder.

The practicality of the green pocket laser is being questioned for in the field usage and though it may be a good idea some think that it is not as effective as traditional antiseptic techniques. Although, they are useful for sterilizing dressings before they are used to wrap, or pack, a wound in the field.

If you have acne, doctors are having wonderful success in reducing the appearance of acne and the scar that it leaves behind by using the green laser, or a combination of them. First, the problem area is numbed with a local anesthetic and then the green laser is is applied to the area in a slow, sweeping motion to cover the entire area. This helps reduce the amount of bacteria in the skin and lets the skin become it's own defense again, thus, acne and it's scars are greatly reduced.

We all know that acupuncture is gaining in popularity and may have even tried it. I know I have. My chiropractor is also an acupuncturist and has given me great relief from some muscle spasms I had at one time. Acupuncture is performed by inserting tiny needles into the skin to elicit certain responses from the body. Mostly acupuncture gets your "Chi" moving in the right direction and removes blockages that are caused by pain. No one deserves to live in pain, so go see your local acupuncturist and do not be afraid you will barely feel a thing.

The green birthmarks removal laser is also being experimented with in removing cancerous tumors in the body. With the ability to cut out the tumor, stop the bleeding by cauterization, and irradiate the underlying tissue all in one step. This procedure will save a lot of time and recovery period for cancer patients. It is currently being used as a prostate cancer treatment and may prove valuable in other forms of cancer, as well.


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