Children With Heart Murmur Can Be Common

Children with heart murmur is very common. Generally, if your child is born with no birth defects like Down's Syndrome or other genetic abnormalities or even exposure to drugs and alcohol during pregnancy then the heart murmur is nothing to worry about and will cause no other health problems. It is important not to panic when your child's pediatrician tells you they have a heart murmur.

First, ask which type of heart murmur your child has. The best thing you can do for yourself and your child is to be as informed as is humanly possible. No matter what type of heart murmur your child has do your research and find out everything you can about it. Then you can be a great help in any and all treatment options your doctor prescribes. A heart murmur does not a death sentence make.

If your children with heart murmur is a serious condition, your doctor will probably refer your child to a cardiac specialist. This cardiac specialist will evaluate your child's condition further to determine the extent of heart damage and what course of treatment is best to follow.

There are two different types of heart murmurs, innocent and abnormal. A heart murmur that is typed as innocent are usually not a health risk and your child will probably grow out of it in time.

The other type of heart murmur is called abnormal because it is caused by a defect or other heart problem such as a hole in the heart at birth. If the defect is such that too much blood is backing up in the heart you may notice some symptoms in your child like the inability to bottle feed continuously without stopping to breathe, a bluish tint to the lips, and the inability to grow and thrive.

The cardiac specialist will classify your child's heart murmur in a number of ways to determine how bad it is. First, the heart murmur is graded from 1 to 6 for loudness or intensity. Grade 1 heart murmurs are very difficult to hear while grade 6 heart murmurs are loud and very easy to hear. While listening the cardiac specialist will classify your child's heart murmur as soft, blowing, or harsh with a high-frequency. Next, the location on the chest where the murmur can best be heard will be assessed along with where the heart murmur occurs in the cycle of heart beats.

If it is determined that your child has an abnormal heart murmur that is caused by a defect in a valve or your child was born with a small hole in their heart then surgery is probably recommended and the problem will be repaired. Medications may be prescribed as well to control symptoms and alleviate some of your children with heart murmur discomfort.

"This article is not to be considered medical advice of any kind and is only for informational and entertainment purposes only. As always you, the reader, should consult with your personal physician or another Licensed Health Professional."


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