Best Ways To Relieve Stress It Kills

"Stress kills" is a common phrase that most people think of as a figure of speech, but recent discoveries show that stress can actually have a negative impact at the cellular level. We all have stress in our lives; our jobs, friends, families, hobbies and more are all screaming for our attention, and that's only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. The good news is that earning how to handle it can not only give you a happier life, but a longer one as well. With that in mind, here are some of the best ways to relieve stress.

Your mindset plays a major role in relieving stress. That explains why two people can experience the same situation in opposite ways. The one that responds negatively, and lets the situation make them upset doesn't have the right mindset. On the other hand, someone with a positive mindset may not seem upset at all. The positive person may even laugh about the situation, much to the other person's confusion.

How you frame a situation can make a big difference. You can think of this as giving a creative label to whatever is causing you stress. For example, if you were just fired, don't focus on it being a loss of income (which is an issue that needs to be addressed, but not obsessed over), think of it as having a whole new world of opportunity in front of you. What things would you really like to do now that you are no longer restrained by your job?

Put things into perspective. This is easier said than done when you are in the middle of stressful situation, but it can really help you to relax. The classic question to ask is "how much will this really matter twenty years from now?" It may be hard to do in the midst of a tough spot, but if you can do it, then you will realize that things usually aren't as bad as they seem. Being stuck in traffic is stressful, but does it really matter in the bigger scope of things?

Exercise puts your body under stress, but it's the good kind of stress. Furthermore, physical activity will help you to relieve stress. Of course you will get the best results if you engage in activities that you enjoy, but just about any exercise will produce positive health effects, including stress relief. Whether it's going on a leisurely walk, hitting the gym, or a night of dancing; exercise is a great way to feel better.

These are some of the best ways to relieve stress, but they are only the beginning. There are many other techniques out there, and any one of them could be just the thing you are looking for to get the stress monster under control. The key is to seek out the methods that work best for you, and then use them as often as you wish.


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