Newest Injections For The Wrinkles

For women who want to look younger, and even some men, the newest injections for the wrinkles may be something to consider if you have tried everything else with little to no results.

Having a qualified professional inject substances that help turn back the clock by diminishing the deep lines and creases you see every day may be your next option.

The newest injections for the wrinkles vary with most common being the ones that are collagen based. As we age, our skin loses it's elasticity and collagen becomes less prevalent under the skin making those creases and fine lines become more noticeable.

Other types of injectables are fat grafts, acid-based fillers, Botox, and silicone. Fat grafts are your own fatty tissue that is removed from one area of the body to another.

Acid-based fillers, such as Restylane, are quickly becoming more popular for those that want a longer lasting procedure.

Botox, which is derived from the botulism toxin, is the most cost effective and provides a quick fix to problem areas.

The most popular of the injectables is silicone. Microdroplet Liquid Silicone is injected beneath the layers of skin on the face which helps the muscles around the eyes and mouth relax giving the skin a smoother, softer look.

The results of these fillers can be amazing. These types of treatments add plumpness to the skin and fill in deep lines and creases. Your cheeks and lips appear fuller and your eyelids look lifted.

These types of procedures are usually performed in twenty minutes or less, on an outpatient basis, in a clinic or doctors office.

Possible side effects include itching, redness, swelling, and a temporary hardening of the area. Although rare, in some cases an allergic reaction can occur, which can be life threatening.

Since everyone is different the length of time each procedure lasts depends on that particular person and how deep the lines and creases were to begin with and how they react to the treatment.

While some patients may not need a touch up for a year, others may need to make an appointment within three months for one.

Before undergoing any type of surgical procedure do your homework. Research the different types, results, side effects and most importantly the doctor who will be performing the procedure. There have been numerous reports regarding the dangers of receiving these procedures by physicians who are not skilled in giving them.

Blood clots can result from the filler being accidentally injected into a blood vessel, creating a life threatening emergency that requires immediate attention.

For this reason, it is best to ask someone who has had a good result for a recommendation as well as asking for the qualifications of the physician you choose and to see testimonials of former patients.

Companies everywhere continue to work furiously to be the first to create the next best thing in skin fillers. The demand for anti-aging products keeps growing due to the Baby Boomer generation becoming older every year.

Due to these procedures being considered cosmetic in nature, the newest injections for the wrinkles aren't covered under health insurance policies. The average price for looking younger is between five hundred and one thousand dollars, per syringe.


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