Space In A Relationship-Communicate To Understand Space

It's great to be in love, but there are times when you need some space in a relationship. That sounds simple enough, but we all have a different idea of what space means in the context of the people we care about. To make things more complicated, your definition of space may be the opposite of your partner's definition. Still, you want your sanity, so what can you do to get the space you need without hurting someone you love?

We have already touched on the first step: you have to each explain what the concept of space in a relationship means to you. You also have to do it in a way that doesn't come across as insensitive to your partner.

If you need a fair amount of personal space but your partner doesn't, then you run the risk of giving them wrong impression. There are some people who feel the need to be with other people at any given moment. A clingy partner may misinterpret your need for space as your not wanting to be with them. You will have to approach the subject carefully, and be sure to let them know that it isn't anything personal, and that you don't love them any less. Keep this in mind if your partner is the one asking for more space.

At this point it may seem as though you each should just take as much time away from each other as you wish, but that is not what we're talking about. The first step is to start a conversation about your respective needs for space, but then you need to start working out solutions that work well for you as a couple.

Perhaps you will be lucky and will hit on an elegant solution that pleases both of you, and you will do so with very little discussion. That would be wonderful, but chances are that the two of you will need to talk about it for a while, and over the course of several discussions. Your goal should be to come up with a way for getting the space you each need, and to do it in a way that keeps each other happy.

The need for space in a relationship is normal, but there are times when it can also be a sign that something is wrong. If either you or your partner suddenly feels the need to be withdrawn from the other, then you need to get to the bottom of it. There could be any number of reasons for this, but it's best to take it seriously and see if there is cause for concern.

Space in a relationship has various meanings, but with a little thought, you will be able to make sure you and your partner are getting the space you both need. Furthermore, you can handle it in a way that doesn't lead to hurt feelings, and actually strengthens your relationship.


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