Birth Order And Dating-Prevailing Theories And Stereotypes

I'm not totally sure that I even believe a relatively new theory that claims to help you find your best romantic match just based on where you were born in your family. This birth order and dating theory is interesting though.

But, the idea that birth order and dating somehow go together and can help you determine who a good match will be for you based on their birth order, may be a fun theory to test.

There are some people who theorize that, for example, two people who were each the first born of their respective family's would not make a good match.

The idea is that since both of them were the first born they are both used to having things their way and as a result they would be in conflict and have almost constant power struggles.

It does seem possible that this scenario could hold some validity. But I also think it relies too much generalization. I know someone who was the oldest and in no way is she what I would consider the "alpha child".

I don't see any evidence that she is used to getting her own way or that she is a control freak.

She is actually rather timid and seems like she would actually be shy and introverted. On the surface, that seems to blow the theory apart.

I guess that is my main gripe about the prevailing theories about birth order: this method relies on a lot of stereotypes.

I don't believe it's true that every first born is in control or used to getting their own way and needs to control and I don't believe that everyone who is the baby is spoiled and petulant.

True, many people may adhere to these stereotypes, but not everyone will. For that reason these theories may be fun and interesting but I sure don't think you should run away from your partner just because they were born in the wrong order!

Another theory is that people who didn't have a sibling of the opposite sex will have trouble in relationships because they don't know how to relate to the opposite sex.

Again, interesting theory but not sure I agree. Though my marriage did fail and I have all sisters, I also know several people whose marriages failed and everyone of them had siblings of the opposite sex.

So even though they had opposite sex siblings apparently that did nothing to improve their relationships, we all ended up divorced!

If you fall in love with someone who is a lot like you it is a narcissistic relationship… you are basically falling in love with yourself.

But isn't this just a case of finding someone you are compatible with? I thought compatibility was supposed to be a good thing.

Now it sounds like my stable loving relationship is only because I'm a narcissist! Hmmm.

Anyway, this type of theory on relationship does, in my opinion, prove one thing; none of us really know what the heck is going on when it comes to relationships.

I think this stuff can be fun but I sure wouldn't give the theory of birth order and dating much time and I sure wouldn't worry about it when I'm looking for someone to date.


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Beautiful Chinese Women-Foreign,Exotic Women

If you find that you have an attraction to foreign, exotic women, and wish to meet beautiful Chinese women, then consider yourself lucky. The internet has made it easier than ever to meet and date women from all backgrounds, and from all places around the world. You can either meet a woman from China, or one that is of Chinese heritage. To make things easier, we are only going to talk in generalities, but keep in mind that every woman is a unique individual, and should be treated with personal respect.

How does the internet make it easier to meet beautiful Chinese women? For one thing, China ranks near the top for number of people with internet access, so you will have a lot of opportunity to connect with them. Another benefit of the internet is that there are a lot of dating websites, making it easy to sort through women without having to spend a lot of money on dates that go nowhere. Most of the hassle associated with the early stages of dating is removed, and you can connect with a lot more Chinese women by going online.

You can use regular dating sites and comb through all of the members for women of Chinese heritage. This takes a bit more time, but it can be a lot of fun looking at various profiles and then finding someone that catches your eye. If you prefer, you can join any of the dating sites that are made especially for Asian or Chinese women. This can make things easier, but you may have fewer potential candidates to choose from.

Imagine having your very own beautiful Chinese woman to serve you and do as you say; somebody who will be at your beck and call, whose only concern is your well-being and comfort…

Keep dreaming!

That image of Chinese women is outdated and not likely to happen. Remember, you want to be in a relationship with a person, not have somebody that you think you can boss around. That being said, the Chinese (again, we are only speaking in generalities here) tend to have strong values, and people in the West often confuse that for being old-fashioned.

Today's Chinese woman is as modern as any other woman, and just as savvy. Now, that shouldn't be a turn-off that should be a turn-on. However, you should do your best to learn if she is traditional, and if so, in what way. Taking some time to learn about her culture and heritage will help you stand out as somebody who cares enough to take the time to get to know about her background.

Being in a relationship with a well-rounded woman means that there will be more depth, and more to fall in love with. It's about being together and sharing a part of your life with someone special. This not only applies to women in general, but also to beautiful Chinese women. Now it's up to you to take the first step and find the woman that's right for you.


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Beautiful Asian Women Companionship Found Online

The internet has totally changed the way people meet, and this is a good thing if you are looking for beautiful Asian women for companionship. You can not only find them online, but you can even set up dates, or locate Asian women to marry. The following is only a general overview of how best to approach Asian women, but keep in mind that Asia is the largest continent on the planet and that every woman is a unique person.

The term 'Asian' covers a lot of territory, so you should have some idea of what the term means to you. Saudi Arabia, China, Thailand, India, Turkey, Indonesia, Russia, Iraq, Japan, Philippines, and Iran are only a few of the countries that make up Asia, and there is a wide range of cultures represented by all of them. Beautiful Asian women live in or come from any of those countries, so you should know which country you are interested in.

Once you have a good idea of the country (or countries) that you would most like to meet a woman from, you should take some time to learn about it and its customs. You don't want to be boorish about it when you talk to her, but you should have a general understanding of her culture. Not only will she appreciate the effort, but it will also prevent you from saying or doing something that her culture considers offensive.

There do tend to be some differences between women from North America, and women from Asia. While women in the West are becoming more and more attracted to meek and timid men, Asians still tend to prefer men who are strong and assertive. Just so we're on the same page "strong and assertive" is not the same thing as being a rude jerk, but rather having a healthy dose of confidence and not being afraid to show it.

For the most part, beautiful Asian women will expect you to take the lead when it comes to your relationship. Some men think that sounds awesome, but they forget that making all of the decisions (where to eat, when to go out, what movie to see, and so on) is a great responsibility. The only way to do it well and have her like you is to understand the things she enjoys. You can certainly ask for her input, but you should try to use a more direct approach when you do.

Another thing you should avoid is falling into the trap of stereotyping. You may have an idea of what Asian women are like, but it's impossible to paint them all with a broad brush. She will appreciate any effort you make in getting to know her as a person first, and an Asian second (or third, or forth, or not at all). All women have something unique to offer, and it would be a shame to overlook whatever that happens to be. There are millions of beautiful Asian women, and you can be sure that there is one that's just right for you.


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Are You The Alpha In Your Relationship

Wow, I am amazed, and not in a good way. When I started doing some research for this article I couldn't believe some of the garbage that is online. I guess you just have to take what you read online with a huge grain of salt. So, if you want to figure out are you the alpha in your relationship, all you have to do is open your eyes.

Most of the articles I read were by men who advertise themselves as some sort of dating gurus. I laugh every time I see those types of sites. As a woman, I can tell you that much of it is garbage. Sure, sometimes you can find an insecure woman and "play" her and use her insecurities against her, but to what end?

Is that really the type of relationship that someone would want? I don't know, maybe it is. If so I suggest that anyone who likes finding women that way takes a long hard look at them self because it really doesn't say anything good about you.

If you have to resort to these manipulation tactics just to meet women you are as pathetic and insecure as they are.

Every relationship will have it's leader, or alpha. And no, it won't always be the man. Sometimes women can be the alpha too. But, are you the alpha in your relationship, and is that the best part to play?

I may not be an expert, nor do I go online and pretend to be one, but I have to say that in my experience there is a natural give and take in a good, healthy relationship.

In my own relationships I consider myself to be the alpha in some aspects but my partner is the alpha in others. In every relationship each person should be bringing their own strengths to the relationship. And since no one is good at everything, I think the alpha role will ebb and flow.

One day you may find that your particular strengths are needed, and for that time, at least, you become the alpha. Yet the next day you may find that a certain situation needs the strengths of your partner, which may well be your weakness so they then will become the alpha.

You've probably heard the saying "absolute power corrupts absolutely". I personally think that is why it is best to have this ebb and flow of the "power" in a relationship. Both of you get to be "on top" some of the time.

That means that all the power isn't always in the control of one person in the relationship. If that happens and one person is always in control no matter what the situation, the tendency is there for them to take their partner for granted and take advantage of them.

It can also make the other partner, the one with no real power, jealous and angry. This scenario, having one partner with all the power and another partner always feeling like the powerless "sidekick" is not, in my opinion, the best chance for a loving and healthy relationship.

So, if you really want a good relationship, one in which you are able and willing to give as well as take, find someone who you can share the alpha position with. I think in the end that makes for the best relationships. Then you won't need to ask are you the alpha in your relationship, you'll already know that you are… sometimes.


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A Proven Plan To Win Back An Ex-Strengthen Your Future Relationship

Getting dumped by the person you love is never a pleasant experience. Maybe you saw it coming and had hoped you could delay the inevitable, or maybe it hit you out of the blue and you felt dumbstruck. Regardless of how it happened, you have decided that you would like to work things out and get back together. If that's the case, then you need a proven plan to win back an ex. The following article will help you to do it, and do it in a way that will strengthen your future relationship after you get back together.

Your natural reaction to win back an ex will be to call them as much as possible and to shower them with gifts. In other words, you want to make it more than obvious that you still love them and that you want to make up. This rarely works out; what you need is a different approach. Using a low-key, well thought out approach will give you the best opportunity for success. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Do nothing. That's right, the first thing you should do is nothing. You and your ex both need time to think about things, and if you jump too fast, you will risk pushing them even further away. There is no set amount of time that you should wait, but you should err on the side of caution. Anywhere from two to four weeks is usually good, but you know your ex best, so use your best judgment.

Step 2: Make the initial contact. After you have both had enough time to come to terms with the break up, it's time to get in touch with your ex. You can either send a hand-written letter or call them on the phone (texting and e-mail should not be used for this step), then wait for them to respond. You have to assume that they got your message, and now you need to wait until you hear from them. It will take a lot of patience, but if you gave the first step enough time, it shouldn't take too long to hear from them.

Step 3: Meet each other. The next step of a proven plan to win back an ex is to see each other face-to-face. Talk things over, but do not argue. Keep things calm and respectful. A short conversation is fine. Your goal is not to work everything out in one meeting, but rather to have another meeting.

Step 4: Take it slowly. It may drive you crazy, but you need to proceed slowly. This will help you to get back with each other, and it will also set you up to have an even stronger relationship in the future.

By having a proven plan to win back an ex, you will be more likely to work things out. It takes time and effort to make it happen, but it will be a wise investment when the two of you are happily together again.


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The Art Of Giving To The One You Love For The Holiday Season

Those of you who are in a relationship may want or need to learn the art of giving to the one you love. Gifts do not always have to be given just for birthdays or anniversaries or Christmas and the size of the gift should not matter either.

The art of giving to the one you love starts with the feeling you have for this person in your heart. You love them and want them to be as happy as they can be all the time. So, what do you do to make this possible? You make or buy gifts that they will enjoy and treasure forever.

If you are new to each other this Christmas season, do yourself a favor and ask questions about the things they like and keep a list handy for when you go shopping. If you pay attention to what they say and how they react to things they see on television then you can get a good idea of what they want.

There are some people that hold off buying themselves things they want because they are concentrating on only getting the things for themselves that they need. Try to stay away from buying things they need and surprise them with a want this season. They will definitely know that you have put a lot of thought into buying them this gift and will treasure how special you have made them feel.

If you need further help in selecting the perfect gift, ask their friends and family members what they think would be appropriate. Sometimes friends and family have a unique perspective about this person and can give you a lot of ideas about things they have dreamed about having for a long time.

Another way to figure out what she likes or doesn't like is to go shopping with her. Make mental notes of the things that catch her eye when you are out. A good bet that she wants what is in the store window is if she looks at it for a time then sighs and walks away. Maybe it is a nice piece of jewelry or the latest fashion in boots.

Won't she be surprised on Christmas morning if you have paid attention and she finds that special gift she never thought she would get for herself under the tree. If the jewelry she was looking at is within your price range and you decide that that is what you will buy her, make it more personal by getting it engraved with some small sentiment or even her name. This will endear it and you to her forever.

The art of giving to the one you love does not have to be difficult. If your budget does not run to buying expensive jewelry then find something else to buy or even use your imagination to come up with a gift you can make or present to her like a "coupon" for some service you are willing to perform for her for a specified amount of time.


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Shopping For The Lady In Your Life – Gifts For The Holidays For Your Love

The Christmas season is here again and you will no doubt be shopping for the lady in your life. Depending on where you are in your relationship will determine the type of gift you buy. The gift you buy will also depend upon the type of person she is and what her interests are.

Make sure you know who she is before you try to buy her a gift. Shopping for the lady in your life does not have to be hard. She will appreciate the thought no matter what the gift is but if you take into consideration the WOW! factor then she will love the gift even more.

The gift that will most likely elicit the WOW! response from her is…jewelry. Every woman loves to receive some special gift in a small, nicely wrapped box from the jewelry store. If you have not asked her to marry you yet and think that this Christmas is the right time to ask her then, if you haven't already, start shopping now for the perfect solitaire to put on her finger.

If you are not quite there yet but want her to know that she is the one you hope to marry someday then go for a nice necklace and earring set with diamonds and maybe her birthstone set in 14 carat gold or sterling silver.

Check to see what her present jewelry collection consists of and either keep to the trend that she has going or buy something completely different so she will think fondly of you every time she wears it. If she has mostly sterling silver then buy her some yellow gold or vise versa.

Do not be afraid to spend a little extra to get something you know she will love. On the other hand if you have no idea what kinds things she likes then as to meet her best friend for lunch or coffee and ask her to go with you to the jewelry store to pick something out.

If for some reason jewelry is out of the question then get her something like tickets to a show or concert. You know what kind of music she likes so buy the tickets and wrap them up in nice paper and put them under the tree.

If concert tickets do not work either then maybe you could make her something if you are so inclined. A nice collage of pictures that you both took on that summer vacation you went on last year might just melt her heart at Christmastime. Put it all together and then get it framed by a professional to give it that extra special touch.

If you are able to put a decent sentence together you might also want to include a little note or even a poem about the whole experience and how you feel being with her. Poems do not necessarily have to rhyme so just try to get some nice words down on paper and she will think you are the most romantic person she has ever met.

See, shopping for the lady in your life isn't difficult at all. All you have to do is let her know that the gift you chose came from the heart and she will treasure it always.


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Senior Dating During The Holidays

Senior dating during the holidays may be a little more stressful for the older person but if you find someone you are compatible with then you should end up having quite a bit of fun. There are so many things that you can do over the holiday season you will not have any trouble finding things to enjoy together.

Even if you just walk around the city or town you live in to look at all the lights that others have decorated their houses and yards with and end the evening with a nice cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows to warm up afterward. It is all in just being together during this special time of year. Senior dating during the holidays can be a magical time for both of you.

I know there are places where you can make a reservation to take a carriage ride to look at the lights as well. Picture a not too cold, snowy evening, each of you bundled up, spent riding around the town in a buggy pulled by a horse. Nice!

If you have been seeing each other for a while then why not volunteer your time and go help out at one of the homeless shelters in your area or donate some food to the food shelf in town. They always need donations and help packaging things up for others in need. If you are able-bodied, volunteer your time to deliver food and other supplies to those who need them.

As long as you are spending time together you will be having fun.

Help each other decorate for the holidays. Both of you probably have a tree that needs putting up and decorating. Alternate nights when you will help each other and decorate inside and out.

I don't think too many people do this any more but you could round up a bunch of your friends and go out singing Christmas carols around your neighborhood then complete the night by going out to dinner. Spending time with friends is also important this time of year.

Plan a Christmas party and incite everyone you know family and friends included. Decorate your house to the hilt and all in a caterer if you do not want to have to do all the work. Or, make it a potluck and ask your guests to all bring a dish to pass. Make a list of what is needed and let everyone sign up to bring everything including plates napkins, cups, and plastic utensils.

Go down to the local park where they have an ice rink set up and watch the kids ice skating and playing hockey. If you are a risk taker, join in the fun and skate yourself.You may not have done it for years but remember the exhilaration of flying over the ice going as fast as your feet would take you? Maybe you can't go as fast as you once did but the fun is still there when you are senior dating during the holidays.


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Romantic Weekends – Location Location Location

Whether you are newly married, have been married for a long time, or are seriously dating someone special there are many ways to plan the perfect romantic weekend. Think about what the two of you like for starters.

Do you like to find places that the two of you could be alone like in a tiki hut on a secluded beach? Or, do the two of you love the excitement and passion of a big city? Whichever the case there are plenty of places you can choose for your romantic weekend.

There are three important words to keep in mind, location, location, location. Since you do not have a lot of time you do not want to spend all of your time getting to the place you want to go. So, make sure you choose a place that is only a short drive away or if the place you choose is a little further away that the plane ride will not take forever either.

when you get to your hotel room, be sure to have brought things to personalize it and make it more cozy. Scented candles are a good thing to bring along. You probably already though to bring some sexy lingerie and hopefully there is a jacuzzi tub in the room so you two can take a nice warm bath together.

Where you stay can be as important as anything else when getting away. Bed and breakfast's can be cozy and intimate but just make sure they offer everything you might need by way of quiet, intimate restaurants and whether or not you can stay the entire weekend in your room if you want to.

Nothing can be more exciting than whisking your significant other away for the weekend as a surprise. Pack a bag for them and make arrangements to pick them up right after work. You can either be spontaneous and drive until you both find a good place to stop or you could have all the plans made in advance, it is entirely up to you.

Tap into your creative side to find unique things to do on you weekend together. If you both like to cook or would like to know how to make specific dishes for cozy dinners at home then make your intimate weekend away a foodie weekend as well and take a cooking class together.

Maybe you would both like to learn to scuba dive. Research online for scuba lessons and then make a reservation, take the short flight to the tropics and spend the weekend learning how to appreciate the ocean and all it holds. Then go out and have a nice quiet dinner to celebrate your success at learning something new.

Be sure to plan your romantic weekend around what you both like to do or might like to try together. This is a time to be closer to each other not create more stress in your life. There will be enough of that to go around when you get home. Use this time to stay connected and rekindle your love for each other.


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Romantic Gifts – Buying Gifts That Make Your Loved One Feel Special

If you have been in a relationship for some time buying romantic gifts should be pretty easy for you. Knowing what to buy someone to make them feel wanted in that special way is an important part of any relationship.

Romantic gifts come in all shapes, sizes and price ranges. From "diamonds are a girls best friend" to sexy lingerie, you really can't go wrong. Just make sure you know what she wants and likes. If you plan on popping the question this holiday season then make the ring you pick out fiery and brilliant.

If you are buying for her make sure you 'get it' when it comes to how she feels about romance and what types of things are romantic to her. She may feel completely different than anyone else you have ever been with so do not make the mistake of going by what an ex girlfriend would have wanted. make the gift specific to who you are seeing now.

The best way to figure out what someone wants and thinks is romantic is to listen to them when they talk about things they like and do not like. If this is still a bit complicated then do not be afraid to come right out and ask what types of things she considers romantic. She probably has a laundry list of things she would like to see you doing in the relationship to keep things spiced up.

If you are buying for him then try to figure out what he likes and thinks is romantic. He may think you are trying to be romantic if you do something as simple as hand him a beer when he comes home from work. Some guys might be a little more sensitive than that but I was married to one of those guys so do not think I am being rude or mean, I lived it.

Some other suggestions for gift for her would be buying her a bottle of her favorite cologne or perfume or maybe a new handbag she has been dying to own. Another great idea is to personally put together a gift basket with all of her favorite things in it.

Buy a nice sized basket and fill it with soaps, candles, bath salts and bubble bath. Throw in a bottle of wine, a new wine glass, a book from her favorite author and maybe some chocolates so she can use all of those things to relax in a nice warm tub for hours while enjoying your gift to the fullest.

Do the same for him only include his favorite after shave or cologne, maybe a new razor or shaver. Go all out and buy him the old-fashioned double edged razor or straight razor to learn to shave with. Some of the sets are pretty nice and include the shaving soap, brush and stand for the razor.

Romantic gifts do not have to be hard, or intimidating, to shop for. As long as each gift you give comes from the heart then each gift will be received with appreciation and joy this holiday season.


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