Dating Your Best Friends Ex Husband-Consider Everyones Feelings

Nothing is more tricky in the dating world than dating your best friends ex husband. This is something that you must give serious thought to before you decide it is a good idea.

Many times we ignore everything around us and don't consider the hurt we may cause when we meet someone we think we can't live without. But, it is important for you to balance and carefully consider several points before you choose to go down this road.

If you choose this course you will likely lose a friend. Now, in the beginning of your relationship that may seem acceptable, but it is important that you are realistic.

Most relationships start off with fireworks and stars but they often end up with explosions and black holes. Make sure that it is worth losing a good friend over.

Here are some other things to think about before you start dating your best friends ex husband:

1. The end of a relationship is painful. Carefully consider how much pain your friend was in during the process as well as how much pain they are in now. When I got divorced many years ago people would tell me how sorry they were.

While I appreciated their sentiments I kind of felt like a hypocrite since the marriage had actually been over for a long time and should have ended much sooner.

Sure, I still felt a little sadness but I wasn't devastated… not even close. So try to figure out what damage, if any, you dating your friends ex would cause your friend.

If all else fails ask them what they think. Though don't be surprised if they give you their blessing and resent you later. There are a lot of swirling emotions at play and it can be confusing for your friend to know how they will really feel until they are actually in that situation.

2. Also, make sure you are 100% honest with yourself about why you want to date the ex of your friend. Sometimes we tell ourselves that we love someone but in reality is more about feeling comfortable.

If you are single and lonely and you find yourself suddenly interested in the ex of a friend, it's very possible that that is nothing more than desperation on your part.

It's not uncommon for us to lie to ourselves and convince ourselves of things we don't want to admit. Make sure you are honest about why this one person out of millions suddenly seems like such a good catch.

3. Along with point 2, you must also stop and remember the way this person acted to your friend while they were together. If they treated your friend badly what makes you think they will be any better with you?

I had a friend who started dating a married man. This guy was already cheating on his wife with another woman when he met my friend. My friend never admitted it but I think she convinced herself that he loved her more than his wife or the other other woman.

Personally, dating someone who is already cheating sounds like a bad idea all the way around to me. If someone mistreats others, in this case his wife and his mistress, it's unlikely they are going to love you so much more that they will suddenly change the person they are.


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Dating With Friendship Influences Can Cause Problems

Dating isn't as easy as some people would have you believe, and having friendship involvement in your dating can make it even harder. We will assume that your friends mean well and only want what's best for you, but if they start getting tangled in your romantic life, then it's time to do something about it. Handling it the right way will prevent feelings from being hurt and will give you and your dating partner's peace of mind.

The first thing you need to do is assess how much of a problem the friendship involvement in your dating really is. Perhaps you are being over-sensitive because you feel the need to defend your date. If so, this could make their innocent questions seem like an attack of some kind. Do your best to step away from the situation and look at it objectively. Your friends care about you, and may only be trying to prevent you from getting hurt.

Assuming they are butting in more than they have to (they are friends after all, so there will always be some butting in) then you need to make that stop. The big secret here is to talk about their behavior, and not their character. In other words, don't be judgmental or make them sound like bad friends. Instead, mention the behavior that is causing you concern and keep the focus on that behavior.

The next step is to mention how their behavior makes you feel. If you're a guy, then this can be a difficult thing to do, because your friends may tease you for being weak or too sensitive. However, this will eventually pass, and if it doesn't, it may be time to hang out with a different group of friends. Either way, telling them how you feel it will help them to understand why their behavior is bothering you, and will give them an added reason to stop getting so involved in your romantic life.

Your friends will typically interfere for one of two reasons: they are jealous of the time you are spending with the new person in your life, or they think that this new person isn't right for you. There is also a chance that these two reasons are intertwined. Your friends may not even be aware of their jealousy, so they warn you about the "trouble" this new person will cause you; all the while, they are blissfully unaware of their true motivations.

Of course there are also times when having your friends involved is a good thing. Remember, they have seen you in relationships before, and they can view your current situation more objectively than you can. When this happens you will need to weight their advice carefully. It may be unpleasant to hear what they have to say, but if it turns out to be true, then your friends may have saved you from a lot of hassle and heartache.

Friendship involvement in your dating isn't an easy issue to deal with. The best thing is to keep in mind that they are your friends and for that reason alone, they deserve the benefit of the doubt.


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Dating With A Shy Personality-New Technolgy Will Make It Less Challenging

Dating with a shy personality can definitely present you with more challenges than you would have if you were more outgoing. Having said that, though, doesn't mean that you have to give up. You can still have a fun dating life even if you are shy and it takes you time to open up.

I think that there are several changes that have come about in the last few years that actually make it much easier dating with a shy personality.

Things like online dating sites, Twitter, Facebook, and texting are just a few examples of the things that can make it easier for you to meet and get to know others in a less stressful way.

That little bit of anonymity can make it easier for you to let a little bit of yourself show slowly and over time.

It can definitely be more of a challenge to know what to say when you are talking to someone on the phone than it would be to have a texting conversation.

When you are texting you will have much more time trying to think of what you want to say then you would if you were actually talking to each other. That can really take a lot of the pressure off.

Using an online dating site can also help because you can target the type of people you want to meet and also let them know a little bit more about you.

Filling out your profile and saying that you are a little shy can definitely make it easier to avoid any misunderstanding when you first meet.

Sometimes, a shy personality can come across as being arrogant or rude. This can really be a common misunderstanding if you are also very good looking.

In that case it can be very easy for someone just meeting you to get the wrong impression if you are kind of quiet and reserved.

But, when you say right up front in your profile that you are a little shy and reserved then anyone meeting you will already have that expectation and it's very unlikely they will read more into than they should.

Also, if you prefer to date others who are also a little on the shy side, you will have the opportunity to specify that when you fill out your profile.

And once you do meet someone you can use these different technologies to get to know them at a more leisurely pace. Again, just like with texting, this ability to take it slow and get to know their personality before you actually meet can take a lot of the pressure off of both of you.

I know the son of a friend of mine is very shy and he loved the idea of getting to know the girls he met online slowly and by instant messaging.

He said that it just made it easier to get to know them with out the "distraction" of looks. That is a very valid point. We often get side tracked with the "chemistry" when we meet someone. Chemistry is a great thing to have but it can get in the way of getting to know someone on a deeper level too.

So, use these "tools" to make dating with a shy personality a little easier and less stressful.


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Dating While Seperated-Take Time To Get It All Straight

The first stage to divorce is separation. Sometimes it is a legal separation where the paperwork is filed and lawyers get involved, other times it is more informal and one of you chooses to move out of the home. In either case, dating while separated can pose a lot of difficulties down the road.

By the time a couple decides to officially end their marriage they have probably gone through a lot. They are most likely ready and anxious to move on with the next phase of their life. They may have even already met someone who they are interested in.

The problem is that according to the law you are still legally married. Depending on the state you live in and it's rules this could present problems for you later in your divorce.

These problems may be compounded if there are any prenuptial agreements in place. Now, just to be clear, I am not an attorney and I am not providing legal advice just some things to think about.

Also, the laws regarding dating while separated can vary dramatically from one state to the next so it is important for you to know what your rights and responsibilities are in that regard.

Your spouse may be able to use your dating against you at later stages in your divorce. This could potentially effect your alimony or settlement. In most cases it will be more about you having sex outside of the marriage rather than just dating.

Though, it will be virtually impossible for you to prove you didn't have sex with someone else if you are out dating.

At the end of the day you need to talk to your lawyer to find out what, if any, pitfalls you may face if you decide to start dating before your divorce is final. In most cases you may just have to wait.

If that is what your lawyer advises you, that you have to wait, you would probably wise to not let your soon to be ex know that you are eager to start dating.

It wouldn't be the first time a spouse deliberately held up a divorce just to stop their partner from starting to date again. Keep that information to yourself (which is yet another reason to not start dating until the marriage is officially over. It's one less thing you can give your spouse to use against you).

One other very important thing to consider about starting to date again is your kids, if you have them. Having kids and starting to date can really be challenging. For one thing, there is always the concern that your kids will get attached to this new person in your life.

That may sound wonderful but if the two of you don't work out it can be yet another loss for your child.

Also, if you are dating while still married, be very careful about overnight guests. Not only can dating at this stage present problems for you later in your divorce, if you have someone spend the night your ex can really make a case that you are an unfit parent and go for sole custody.

Dating while separated is really not a very good idea. If you just can't wait any longer at least talk to your attorney and make sure you are protected as much as possible.


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Dating Tips For Successful Online Dating

It is human nature to seek out companionship. Most people do not like being alone, we want to find someone to love and who will love us back. But the pursuit of finding such an ideal mate can be a very daunting task. Our methods for meeting other people can be fairly limited. However with the advent of the internet, online Dating has become a very viable alternative to the usual bar hopping.

Despite it's use by thousands of people, many more still scoff at the idea of using the internet to find someone. It seems to impersonal, it may be frightening as the person you are talking to may be completely different in real life. Well the truth is, finding someone over the internet is a very viable option if you know what you are doing. Here are some tips to help ensure you have the highest chance for success.

1. Be cautious. While the internet can open up new opportunities, it is not without it's risks. There are plenty of people who use the internet as a hunting ground for whatever reasons they may have. It is your duty when trying online Dating to make sure you protect yourself. You do not want to reveal too much information about yourself. Keep it all very generic to start, get a feel for the person. Even though it is over the internet, treat it like you would in real life. If you would not tell them something in real life, do not tell them online.

2. Keep it light. First impressions mean a lot and this holds true for the internet as well. If you come off as some overly needy person desperate for companionship, it can really turn people away. You want to make yourself appear appealing and interesting, but do not go overboard while doing so. All things in moderation after all.

3. Go slow. Meeting people over the internet can be a new experience and a lot of people have experienced intense feelings, thinking they have finally found their soul mate. Well that may very well be true, but it also might not be. You want to take the time to get to know the person and give yourself realistic expectations. If you let yourself get hyped up thinking this is the one, you are only setting yourself up for a hard fall if it turns out to be wrong.

4. Be prepared to move forward. While Dating someone over the internet is a good way to find someone, it also has it's limitations. You can not expect to date them for the rest of your life soley through the internet, now can you? Eventually you will have to get more personal until you finally meet face to face.

However you will know very little of their lives, and they will know little of yours. You have not met each others families or friends, you do not know each others daily routines. If you plan on being serious then eventually you will have to force yourself into their world and learn about them, face to face.


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Dating Relationship Secrets That Work Together

When two people first get together they are infatuated, and it is quite common for them to see no fault in each other. They are in the beginning stages of the relationship and they overlook the shortcomings of their partner. Then some time passes and all of sudden little cracks start appearing. Chances are that you and your partner are well aware of a few problem areas, and now you are looking for the secret to relationships.

The truth is that there is no single thing that makes a relationship; instead, it's a series of "secrets" that work together to make a couple happier. Here are a few of the most important ingredients for having a good relationship.

Love – Being in love is not the same as expressing your love for your mate. The big secret to relationships is knowing how your partner likes to be shown love. Some people are perfectly content to hear the words "I love you", while others need physical proof of love. The easiest way to find out how your partner prefers love to be demonstrated is to ask them.

Trust – Lies damage relationships, and even seemingly small lies will chip away at the relationship, leading to mistrust. Every successful relationship is built on a foundation of trust, and that foundation is often built one stone at a time. However, a single lie, if it's bad enough, can tear it all down. Do your best to be honest with each other, and be tactful when the truth is difficult.

Kindness – Do you always treat your partner as though they are the person you love more than anybody else, or do you sometimes treat them worse than you would treat your worst enemy? It's sad, but we often reserve our harshest words and actions for our partners. Maybe it's because we think they will always love us, but even if that's the case, it's not an excuse to be mean. Treat your partner with kindness and you will notice your relationship getting better.

Respect – This is more of an open secret to relationships, yet so many people forget its value. Treating each other with respect will make things run smoothly. There should be an underlying respect that permeates all aspects of your relationship. Respect means that you value each other as people, and that you care about the other person. If you find that the two of you are arguing more than you used to, then there's a good chance that it's due, in part, to an erosion of respect.

Thoughtfulness – When giving gifts, people often say "it's the thought that counts." This is normally said when the gift isn't all that great, but thoughtfulness in a relationship is much more than a crafty way of covering up a bad gift; it's a way of letting the other person know you are thinking of them, and that's a secret to relationships that can't be faked.


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Dating In The Winter Or Cold Weather Months

Dating in the winter or cold weather months doesn't have to be boring. There is much more you can do during the winter than just the traditional dinner and a movie.

To find the best options for dating in the winter or cold weather months, it really just requires you to take a little more time.

Dating, or doing much of anything, in the summer can be pretty easy and care free. For the most part your biggest concerns is whether or not you will have any rain.

Even that is likely to be a fairly short lived event and not an all day washout.

The winter months, though, can be a little more challenging and may require a little more planning.

If the weather is going to be really bad: extremely cold, windy, or snowy outdoor activities won't be that pleasant.

But there are still plenty of things you can do outside on "nice" days. Most places will have days where there isn't much wind and the sun is bright and shiny and temperatures are tolerable.

On those types of days you can go sledding, make a snowman, go snowshoeing, go skiing or snowboarding or just go for a hike in the woods.

Every thing looks different and beautiful after a fresh snow. It can be wonderful to get out and spend some time outdoors.

Of course if that isn't your cup of tea there are still many indoor activities that can be done in the winter. There are concerts, art exhibits, museums and aquariums (many of which will have specials) as well as planetariums.

And, during the winter months, there are many sporting events that take place. Also, check out your own town. Many places have smaller, local teams that play during the winter.

Your town may have a minor league football team. You may have a hockey team or a basketball team.

All of these things can make a great date and a great way to help support your local teams.

If none of that sounds good, or if you are simply short of funds there are plenty of fun things you can do right at home.

Have you ever spent any time looking up into the night sky in the winter? If not, you should. The sky can be so crystal clear it is stunning, you should give it a try.

Why not get some inexpensive binoculars or a telescope and take it right out in your own backyard and do some stargazing?

Or something as simple as sitting by a roaring fire while looking out at the snow can be a fun and relaxing, possibly even romantic, way to spend some time together.

I hope I've been able to provide you with some new ideas of things to do during the winter.

With just a little imagination, you can have fun dating in the winter or cold weather months. You don't have to hibernate as soon as the days get shorter.


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Dating In The Past Compared To Todays Dating

Dating in the past compared to todays dating, is it really that different? Well, I may not be an expert but I think that dating today is pretty different in some ways than it used to be. Of course, whether you think that difference makes it better or worse is just a matter of opinion.

In my opinion I think one of the biggest, and possibly best, differences between dating in the past compared to todays dating is the fact that you can meet people online.

It's easier than ever to meet people and not only that, but define just the type of person you want to meet. There are many sites online that will allow you to fill out some sort of questionnaire that will help you narrow down your possible "matches".

The idea is that if you can use these types of materials you can let the dating site set you up with others who are looking for the same thing in a dating partner as you are.

It makes the whole process much more hit than miss. How much luck would you have meeting someone you had a lot in common with at your local bar on Saturday night?

On the other hand, if you are only interested in meeting people to have a casual dating relationship with, you can find many sites like that too. Don't think that you have to only use a dating site if you want to find someone to marry.

With so many dating sites available to help you find someone to spend some time with, or possibly the rest of your life with, that is one of the biggest changes in today's dating scene.

But, dating sites aren't the only changes that have had an impact on the dating scene in the last few years. The social networking platforms like Twitter and Facebook also make it easier for you to meet and interact with people. You can set up your preferences and "friend' others with the same preferences.

When you do meet someone these sites can make it much easier to stay in contact with them and get to know them in a non-threatening manner.

It can take a lot of stress out of the situation if you can get to know each other slowly and with the relative anonymity of an online site.

Unfortunately, there is one thing that hasn't changed that much in the dating world: not everyone is safe or who they pretend to be. Make sure you are careful when you meet someone. Don't move too fast to get to know them offline.

Also, you have to be careful when you go out with someone because another sad fact is that date rape drugs are becoming pretty common. Always get your own drinks and watch your drinks when you are out with someone you don't know that well.

Most of the things that make dating in the past compared to todays dating changes are, in my opinion, good. But not all progress is good, be careful of who you meet and where you meet them.


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Dating In 2012-Making The New Year Change

I don't think I'm dating myself too badly to say that there used to be quite a stigma associated with relying on a dating service. Today, though, most people don't think anything of it, as a matter of fact it can make it easier to hone in on just the types of people you want to meet and can help save time. If anything, dating in 2012 will probably see much more of this type of dating.

With the beginning of a new year, you may be wondering what changes you should be making. What can you do to make dating in 2012 a more fun experience?

The first thing you can do is to identify just what you want to accomplish. If you just want to meet people and have some fun, casual relationships, that will help you determine where you should go to find dates.

For the most part, this type of casual relationship is one of the easiest to find. Many people are interested in finding someone fun to just hang out with. Of course, it will also depend a lot on your age.

The older you get the more difficult it will be to find suitable partners for the causal dating lifestyle. That is because most people consider it "grown up" to eventually enter in to a long term relationship.

Since many people feel that way they may look at you as if you are immature and unable to grow up if you are approaching your thirties or forties and still haven't settled down yet.

If you are getting to the point in your life where you want something more than just a casual relationship, you can use many of the resources available today to help you find just that.

There are many sites online that can help you find your perfect someone. These dating sites are set up to cater to all types of people and all types of dating scenarios so make sure you pick the site that will help you find what you are looking for.

If you are looking to settle down, for example, don't waste your time on a site that caters to younger people who only want to find someone to "hook up" with.

On the other hand, if you are only interested in having some fun you probably don't want to join a site that has some huge compatibility test to take first. That is probably more work than you want to put in just to find someone for a casual dating / sexual relationship.

One quick note here too, don't forget that these dating sites don't screen their members. Never assume that anyone you meet on one of these sites will be "safe".

They are just people and some will be better than others but meeting them on a dating site is no assurance that you will be safe with them.

Today we tend to be more busy than ever and that is why dating sites and other online social networks can actually make it easier to find someone special.

Dating in 2012, and beyond, will likely just be a more precise way to find the perfect person for us in the limited free time we have available.


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Dating For Dummies-Pick It Up At Local Bookstore or Online

Have you ever heard of Dating for Dummies? How about Online Dating for Dummies? Let's face it; there is a dummy book for everything. Some of those things are worthwhile and some of them definitely are not. But if there is one thing that will help determine your true happiness on this earth, it is finding that someone special – that soul mate – to share your life with. Fortunately or unfortunately, finding that person never really happens like it does in the movies. You have to date in order to find him or her. And dating can be hard. And stressful. And annoying. And complicated. So, if ever there was a need for a dummy book, this is it. Have you ever heard of Dating for Dummies? If not, it is time you checked it out.

Dating for Dummies can help you overcome some of the difficulties many of us face when going out on that all-important first date. Filled with advice about how to relax, how to make pleasant conversation, and how to have fun even under what can be a stressful situation can all be discovered in Dating for Dummies.

Of course, even though some first dates never result in a second one, sometimes, they do, of course. And then it becomes even more important to present yourself in your best light. Have you ever heard of Dating for Dummies? It can help you; if you have trouble getting your potential partner to see your potential, it may not be your personality; it may just be your dating style. Dating for Dummies can help you overcome your dating downfalls.

Do you know what you should talk about when you are on a date? How about what topics are forbidden? Have you ever heard of Dating for Dummies? It can help you with your conversation skills.

Do you know what to wear on your first date or subsequent dates? Do you tend to look matronly or a tad too "friendly?" Neither one is good. He may like looking at it for a little while, but… Men, do you show up in a t-shirt and jeans? Do you know what that says to a woman? Have you ever heard of Dating for Dummies? It can help you present yourself in the best possible wardrobe.

Do you tend to ramble and babble on and on about the most insignificant things while your date's eyes roam about the restaurant? Do you know the signs that indicate your date is interested in you? Do you know how to tell if he is bored by your discussion of your boss's annoying quirks? All of these concerns and more can be discovered easily. Have you ever heard of Dating for Dummies? It is the ultimate resource for fixing your broken dating life or jumpstarting your boring one or getting you started on one after a long hiatus.


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