On Line Dating Dangers – You Can’t Be Too Careful

So, lately you haven't been able to buy a date and are considering joining a dating service. There is a lot to know when you join a dating service on line and the biggest of these is learning what all the on line dating dangers are. If you have ever been on a blind date then you know how unnerving they can be. Well, basically that is what on line dating is like, one blind date after another.

You can't be too careful and must do what ever is necessary to protect yourself. When it comes to dating on line there has to be some measure of trust or else no one would ever do it. But, there also has to be a larger measure of caution exercised to stay as safe as you possibly can.

On line dating dangers include, but are not limited to, date rape, identity theft, personal property theft, and even loss of life. On line predators create profiles that lure potential victims right to them.

If you have been talking to someone on line for a while and are considering a real-time meet then there are some precautions you should also consider.

1. Never meet for the first few times in a private setting. Always meet in public places. On line dating services usually tell their clients to do this. People are not always on the up and up and there are some who misrepresent themselves on purpose to lure their victims to their demise.

2. Never get into your date's car to go somewhere else besides where you were meeting in the first place. This could mean trouble for you once you are alone in the car. Tell him you want to walk or take the bus to your next destination. If you drove your own car then just get the address of the next place and meet him there, too. Do not put yourself into a bad situation.

3. Never give out your personal information to someone on line. If you choose to meet and your first impression tells you that this is a good guy and you can start to trust him then give out your phone number. Keep your address to yourself just yet until you get to know him a little better.

4. Trust your own instincts and back away if you do not get good vibes from the beginning. It could just be nervousness on his part but that is why you should stay cautiously optimistic at all times in the beginning and do not put yourself in harm's way.

5. Do not keep the date to yourself. Tell someone you do trust that you have a date, where you are meeting the person and what time you will be home. You could even have them go to the same place you will be to discreetly 'chaperone' the date. If you can, use your cell phone to take a picture of your date and possibly even the license plate of their car, just in case.

On line dating can be a fun and rewarding experience, if you take it slow and exercise caution. Keeping the on line dating dangers in mind will help you stay as safe as you possibly can.


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