Friendship Involvement In Your Dating- Not Always Good

If you have too much friendship involvement in your dating, politely tell them to back off. They are your friends and they mean well but you are trying to build a life with this one special person you have found and do not need your friends butting in and ruining things for you.

If this is the first serious relationship you have had in a while then you are going to want to put all of your energy into getting things right and your friends may feel a little left out. Tell you what, get together with all of your friends and explain the situation with them. Buy the first or second rounds and tell them in no uncertain terms that you still care about them but this person is special and you want to see it through.

This is not leaving them out in the cold. Hopefully they will understand and give you some space to get a solid start with this new person. When the time is right tell them you want to introduce the new special someone to them. They should be on their best behavior and paint you in a good light, not try to embarrass you right off the bat. If they do, just excuse yourselves from them and talk to them later. Do not allow friendship involvement in your dating.

When everyone gets to know and like each other then you all can plan activities together. Until then keep your friends at arm's length. Just tell them you are doing so. Do not blindside them with this. They will get jealous and either start demanding more of your time or just fade away into the woodwork, never to be seen again.

There is enough of you to go around, believe me. When the relationship has weathered the course and is strong and healthy, then the friends can all come on board and then the sky is the limit and all bets are off. Your new found love and your friends may get along famously and you may find yourself the butt of many a joke. Just go with it and try not to let it make you angry.

If it does make you a little bent out of shape then do not confront the friend or friends who made the comment that made you angry. call them later and tell them how you feel. Your friendships are important to you and you want to be able to keep them healthy, also.

As long as things are kept balanced, you can enjoy times with your friends and times with your new love and times with them all combined in one place. A word of advice, make plans well in advance and make sure everyone has all the particulars of the get-together. You know the when, where, what time, and what to bring, if applicable.

Keeping things as balanced as possible will help when there is too much friendship involvement in your dating.


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