Tips To Help Get You In The Running

Running or walking outside, however, may not always be a natural choice. If you're not enthusiastic about running or walking in winter weather or summer humidity, or if you live somewhere where there are few sidewalks or where there's a lot of traffic, you may want to invest in a state-of-the-art treadmill.

A treadmill can make it easier to achieve fitness goals and the latest treadmills offer many fun, motivating features that let you track progress.

Not all treadmills are created equal and a badly designed treadmill may ultimately do more harm than good.

It's important not to settle because a bad short-term choice could have serious long-lasting health consequences.

Since exercise should be a life-long habit, you want a treadmill that will protect potentially fragile joints.

When you exercise on concrete sidewalks, for example, the impact shock is "bounced" back to your knees and hips, because concrete is a rigid material.

This can also be true of rigid, heavy steel treadmills.

When choosing a treadmill, look for one with active shock management features like those featured on PaceMaster treadmills. The tri-flex system uses three components to protect joints:

• A custom-designed deck flexes with every foot strike.

• Elastomer cushions further absorb the impact shock.

• Aluminum frames provide strength but also flex more than steel.

As a result, your joints can stay healthier for longer.


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