Principals Of Pilates

Joseph Pilates, the creator of the pilates exercises, claimed his method has a philosophical and theoretical foundation. The exercises are not just a collection of exercises, but a method developed and refined over more than 80 years of use and observation.

The principals of centering, concentration, control, precision, breathing and flowing movement are comparable to those of yoga. There are some basic principals of pilates.

One principal is mind over matter. The central aim of pilates is to create a fusion of mind over body. Without thinking about it, the body will move with economy, grace and balance.

The end goal is a union of mind and body. Practitioners believe that using the body to the greatest advantage, making the most of its strengths, counteracting its weakness and correcting the imbalances within.

Breathing is also key in pilates. Breathing circulates the blood so that it awakens the cells in the body. They then carry away the waste that is related to fatigue. For the blood to do its work, it needs to be properly maintained and full of oxygen.

Centering and concentration are key in pilates. Centering in pilates uses the abdomen, lower back, hips and buttocks, also known as the powerhouse. This is where all energies come from and flow outward to the extremities.

Concentration is important because pilates demands intense focus. Beginners need to pay close attention to their bodies and build on delicate, small movements and controlled breathing. Also, control and precision are important. Every movement has a method and purpose in pilates.


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