Pilates For Rehabilitation

It is said that because of the low impact of the Pilates, it can be used for rehabilitation. Of course, there are limitations, as you probably wont see someone with a broken bone home in front of their DVD player doing the Pilates.

It is important for those who want to do a program like Pilates while rehabilitating from an injury, that they first obtain permission from a physician.

It is also important that they go to a professional instructor to prevent damage or further injury.

Joseph Pilates originally created his system of exercises as a rehabilitation and conditioning tool to improve his own health.

As a child he was constantly suffering from various ailments including rickets, asthma and rheumatic fever. During WWI Joseph Pilates continues to develop and use his work to help in the rehabilitation of wounded war veterans.

Many medical professionals today recognize the benefits and therapeutic potential of this system and many hospitals and clinics now offer Pilates as part of their rehabilitation-training regimen.

The exercises are helpful to patients who are wounded or physically challenged. Pilates balances and strengthens the pelvis, hips, and low back and deep support muscles.

These exercises help prevent muscle injuries and minimize problems from pre-existing injuries.

Pilates has been proven effective in the treatment of acute and chronic back pain, osteoporosis, sports injuries, auto and work related injuries, head injuries and scoliosis.

Pilates has made a significant contribution to rehabilitation by allowing doctors to effectively identify, develop and refine the movement a patient can access. Even patients who are generally confined to a wheelchair they can develop good core strength and make the patient generally healthy.


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