Diet and Exercise

If your goal is to lose weight and build muscle, you need both diet and exercise. The good news is that both diet and exercise are extremely effective at losing the weight fast and toning your body.

With a diet and exercise plan you can usually lose about 10 pounds a month while shaping up your body and building muscle tone. If your goal is to lose 15 or even 20 pounds with both diet and exercise you can accomplish these goals in a very short time usually only 8 weeks.

There are lots of diets being offered, but health professionals have stated time and time again that the best types of diets are those that incorporate all types of foods such as grains, lean meats, fruits, vegetable and some oils from time to time. An exercise program is also easy to start. You don't need any fancy equipment such as a home gym or to sign up for a contract, just start walking for 30 minutes to 1 hour each day. If you are looking to shed the pounds and get your body into shape, take a look at diet and exercise.


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